Understanding Anxiety and Anxiety disorder - 

Anxiety can be defined as the body’s natural response to stress - an overwhelming feeling about somethings that’s coming up. It’s natural to have anxiety and it can be situational - like before giving a speech. 

But an anxiety disorder is a bigger problem that may have an impact on one’s life. The feeling of anxiety in this case stays with you for a longer period of time and stops you from doing other things. Here, an anxiety attack can happen without any reason or situation. 

If you are willing to help a person suffer from anxiety attacks, you must know what you are dealing with because there are different anxiety problems like - panic disorder, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more. Attend wellness and mediation sessions via OnePass Virtual  for more such information. Use code : ARTSELECT to get an exclusive discount on OnePass Virtual 

Begin with learning some of the signs of anxiety situations - 

Consistently believing  the worst of a situation

  • Persistent worry
  • Looking for reassurance
  • Compulsive actions ( washing hands repeatedly, tapping, counting)
  • Sweating
  • Nausea

Things to say when they are having anxiety 

1.  Don’t say I know what you feel. Rather say I am here for you.

People who do not suffer from anxiety are unable to experience what a person is going through during an anxiety attack. People who suffer from anxiety experience anxiety over things others would not find relevant. If you want to show comfort, saying I am here for you is a great gesture. You may not understand what to say but if you provide an ear to their problem, it can be of great help.

2. Don’t ask if they have tried mediation or another activity. Rather ask “What can I do for you?”

You may not be aware of the extreme anxiety disorder the person is suffering from and with a lack of that knowledge, suggesting activities for them to do might not be the need of the hour (moment). If the person is suffering from anxiety over a period of time, they might be aware of the things that calm them down. So ask them if you can do something and let them know that you are willing to help.

3.  Don’t say there is no need to panic. Rather mention if they want to go to a quieter place 

Saying don’t panic is not an effective way to overcome an anxiety attack. If you are keeping saying things like “Relax”, “Don’t panic”, “Stop overthinking”, it might not always help. So ask them if they want to go to a quieter place and a safer atmosphere where they are able to open up about how they are feeling.

Basic knowledge about anxiety can be handy in many situations, you can learn more about it by attending sessions with  Fitternity using  OnePass Virtual

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