Oh God, this year has flown past like the wind! And as it draws to a close, it brings with it the festivals of lights, love, and laughter; and as we all prepare for Diwali, several kitchens are filled with the fragrance of warm syrup, ghee-laden sweets, and more!
However, as we wait with bated breath for the four-day-long Diwali celebrations, we are also all slightly worried about the impact all the binging is going to have on the weighing scales. Fret not dear fellow weight-watcher. Just follow these simple steps to avoid piling up the pounds you lost without giving up the joy of Diwali!
- Portion size matters: Divide your meals into half of what you may generally eat. For example, break that piece of Kaju-katli into half and enjoy the slice you put in your mouth with all your senses. Since it is a festival that good-naturedly promotes scarfing down of a variety of fried foods, it is a good idea to stick to smaller portions throughout the day.
- Go for infused water: Another important thing to remember while on your Diwali binge is to keep the body hydrated by sipping water at regular intervals throughout the day. For added benefits, make batches of infused water by adding sliced lemons, sliced cucumbers, and a few sprigs of mint to water.
- Go easy on the chai: Since you are going to be eating loads of sugar in the form of carbohydrates, beverages and tea/coffee, you must take care to not indulge in more than just your morning cuppa. Each cup has close to two teaspoons of sugar- an indulgence you can go easy on for a couple of days.
- Morning brew: Start your day with a cup of warm water in which a squeeze of lemon and a teaspoon of honey has been added. This warm brew will help in the releasing of toxins from the body and give a great start to your day.
- Include roughage: As a rule of the thumb, include lots of greens in the form of salads in your meals during this festive season. You will feel fuller for longer and steer away from the fry-avalanche!
- Go Nuts: Since you are going to visit loads of people, you are bound to be served delicacies everywhere you go. So, eat wisely. Choose dry fruits over sweets and fried dishes to strike a balance and eat right.
- Choose baked over fried: When faced with the option choose baked over fried food. Not only does it contain less fats, it is also healthy and tastes almost the same! With this tide of health conscious people taking charge, a lot of homes are likely to serve baked delicacies.
- Don’t skip breakfast: It is very important to not skip breakfast in the middle of all the festivities. Have a nutritious breakfast so that your metabolism doesn’t take a sudden hit and everything goes as is. Oatmeal and a glass of juice should be the perfect start to your day bit!
- Don’t skip a workout: Since your days are going to be full of meeting friends and family, you are going to need the energy to go through the day without suffering from fatigue- A condition that may arise because of all the sugar you are going to be eating all day! So get out for an hour for a jog, power workout at the gym or quick yoga session and get your daily exercise in like every day!
Now go, have a great Fit-Diwali!
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